Music is Fun, and no where is this more apparent than in Sr. Karol’s music room in Kylemore Abbey.
Education is a key principle in the Benedictine ethos and one which Sr. Karol practices every day. After entering the Benedictine Community of Kylemore Abbey, Sr. Karol taught music of all sorts to the students of Kylemore Abbey School – instrumental, vocal, choral, junior and leaving certificate – as well as serving the Benedictine Community as Choir Mistress and Chantress, for over forty years.
Holding a Masters degree in Kodály Music Pedagogy, she is currently helping teachers in the Connemara area to introduce music literacy into their schools, starting at the lowest level, working with Junior and Senior Infants and building essential musicianship skills based on the principles of Zoltan Kodály.
So, what are the principles of Zoltan Kodály?
Kodály, a Hungarian composer, strongly believed that music should be taught to young children and that singing was fundamental to that education. He felt that as the voice is the first available instrument to a child, it is better for a child to learn music through singing before taking up another instrument.
“If we were to express the essence of education in one word, it would be singing” Zolta Kodály
Music is Fun – bringing music into the classroom and joy into music.
Today as well as teaching music to local students, Sr. Karol shares her love of teaching in her collection of books and workbooks “Music is Fun”. Illustrated with her own colourful creatures, Sr. Karol’s books allow primary school teachers to teach music literacy to any age in an engaging, joyous way.
For those who are trying to decide whether you would like to teach your students or your child music with these fun books, feel free to get in touch at info@kylemoreabbey.com and Sr. Karol will happily answer your queries.